Creating SMART goals

Understanding SMART Goals in mental health: How hypnosis and EFT can help clients overcome stress, anxiety, and depression. Setting clear and achievable goals is an essential tool in promoting mental well-being. Whether it’s overcoming stress, managing anxiety, or navigating depression, having a structured plan can provide the necessary focus and direction for recovery. This is where SMART goals come into play. So what are SMART goals? SMART is an acronym that stands for: S**pecific M**easurable A**chievable R**elevant T**ime-bound These principles can be applied to any goal, whether it's personal or professional, and they create a clear, actionable path to success. When it comes to mental health, SMART goals can guide clients through a journey of transformation, helping them regain control over their lives, reframe negative thinking, and work towards lasting well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore how SMART goals help clients focus on their mental health recovery and how hy...