What is wintering?

What is wintering? Wintering has been around for years and years and refers to the understanding of the winter season that has been long practiced by your ancestors, yet become lost to a modern society. It’s the understanding of the seasons of nature and aligning to the natural rhythms of the changing cycles. It encompasses slowing during the winter in reflection of the world around you and being kind and gentle with yourself during the winter months. It’s a time to rest and rebalance, ready for the renewal of spring. Wintering is an inspiring testament to nature's resilience, showcasing the myriad ways life perseveres despite the challenges posed by winter’s chill. By understanding and appreciating these strategies, we can find inspiration in the cycles of adaptation and survival that unfold around us in this remarkable season. Whether animal, plant, or human, wintering illustrates life's enduring spirit and capacity for change. Understanding wintering: ...